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Marifer Ruiz
Feb 8, 20206 min read
Education on Travel
How can you be a good traveler? The answer to this question can be resolved from both ends—the place being traveled to and the traveler....
Marifer Ruiz
Nov 12, 20198 min read
What I've Learned as a Vagabond
There are certain 'life lessons' that come your way only when you go away. When you break your daily routine, immerse yourself in new...
Marifer Ruiz
Oct 22, 20195 min read
The Only Travel Apps You Need
So you know how there is always an app for practically anything? Well, when it comes to travel there is literally an app for every little...
Marifer Ruiz
Sep 28, 20196 min read
Tips for a Solo Traveler
The first time I ever traveled by myself was a trek I did around Mexico in 2015 for two months. Now looking back to what I learned then...
Marifer Ruiz
Jul 5, 20192 min read
High Quality Images at a Low Cost
Many people have asked me several times throughout the years what camera I have and what equipment do I use for my pictures on my...
Marifer and Ashley
Mar 14, 20182 min read
Travel Apps You Need on Your Phone ASAP
Hey Traveler, I see you. Looking for in-the-moment travel plans? Here are some great apps to get you booking and on the go to new...
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