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Domino at the Plaza | Happenstance

Writer's picture: Marifer RuizMarifer Ruiz

It has been almost four years that I embarked in an amazing journey through the most magical place in the world, Mexico. For my Bachelor in Fine Arts at the University of Monterrey (UDEM) I did a thesis on photography. This series of photographs were taken across the country (6,600 kilometers). For this project I documented a daily life in twenty-eight Magic Towns, Pueblos Mágicos. These towns were located in seventeen different states and it took me sixty days to reach each one of them. I would get to the towns anyway I could, if it were on bus, boat, train, car, or a lift from a kind stranger. From place to place I encountered the most beautiful experiences, the people, one of them is named Elias.


My mother was mortified for this trip from the day I first mentioned the idea to her until the day I returned home. She knew better than anyone that days like these were going to arrive sooner or later. She saw me grow, and not only that, but made me grow, saw that growth and knew I was a 'rare-one'. I see it in her eyes every time I go, I know it isn't easy for her. I could see her struggle when she would hug be good-bye, at that same moment all she wanted was for me to be happy, unfortunately for her, I would go find my happiness far from her. With a broken voice she would tell me "Again Marifer?", I'd smile in response because she knew the answer, of course.

I'm sorry mom for leaving you, what you don't realize is that I always have you here with me and everywhere I go. You are here with me when I dress up, you help choose the right clothes to wear. When I start a conversation with a stranger I hear you say, "Marifer don't be so trustworthy!", when people invite me to their place you whisper, "Behave and sit up straight, close your legs, you sit like a man!" Something you didn't know either is that a day in Jeréz, Zacatecas I felt you like never before.

I was walking around the center looking for something or someone to photograph and there it was, I saw a few old men playing domino, and as always I couldn't resist. As I was walking towards them and I could hear you say perfectly, "you just can't control yourself, now can you?" I sat down quietly next to them to watch them play. It was not long before one said, "Do you want to play?" I smiled as I stood up excitedly and sat down at the domino table. A few games and conversations passed by and as everything comes and goes, the game came to an end. The men would meet at the plaza every Tuesday morning before commencing the day, it was about that time to go back to that everyday pattern and one-by-one they left heading different directions. There was one in particular that was nice and warming named Elias Hernández. He lived outside of the Jerez and had to take a bus home, so I accompanied him to the direction he was heading as he wanted to give me a short tour of the center before parting ways. He showed me around the market, the main plaza, and the main streets until we arrived were we said our good-byes. He came close to give me a hug and a tight kiss on the cheek as he slowly backed away he, gave me the blessing with the sign of the cross with his hands and said, "God bless you" my heart spread warmth all over my body.

There you were mom, more present than ever, thanking Elias for giving care and giving his blessing. There he was telling you, "She is in good hands, be calm and she'll be happy." Here you are in every moment in every place, I'll soon be back home with you to happily share the same space and the same rare stories.


You can find the full photography book to download of this project here. It includes 100 photographs and texts similar to this one sharing my personal experiences with Mexico and its people.

Here is also a video of more behind the scenes of my travels from this beautiful trek.

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