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  • Writer's pictureMarifer Ruiz

Eight Reasons to Visit Mexico City

Updated: Dec 10, 2019

Last year my parents made a very smart decision in moving to Mexico's capital, making my visits home a lot more exciting. I have always been in awe of this city but never truly jot down into words the reason why I am always craving this place. Regardless of how many new cities one visits, it is always a true pleasure to visit the places one enjoys most and for me that place is Mexico City. Summer is right around the corner and I have for you eight reasons why your next vacation should involve greatly Mexico City.

1. The Mexican Culture

If you really want to understand and experience Mexico's culture you have to visit the capital. In this immense fast-paced city you will find a variety of personalities that define Mexico and its culture. Mexican Culture is based on a mix influenced by its history and its habitants through the years which will be explained in the following points. As the city expands also its diversity and at the same time continues to stay true to its traditions and authentic self.

Mexican Culture

2. The Food

The Mexican cuisine varies between regions but in Mexico City the most popular dish will most likely be tacos, so for now I will only focus on this dish. You can get tacos in the most fanciest restaurant as well as any corner in the city and they will be an equal delight. There is also a long list of types and styles of tacos such as tacos al pastor (sauteed pork), asada (grilled steak), barbacoa (shredded beef), chorizo (sausage), carnitas (pork), and lengua (beef tongue). There is also different ways which the tacos are cooked such as 'tacos de canasta' which are also called 'tacos sudados' (sweaty tacos). You can find these type of tacos early in the morning in a basket, the tacos tend to be a bit more soggy as they are steamed. The filling always varies I recommend to get a one of chicharron which is fried pork belly. Another type of tacos are 'tacos de fritanga' which is when the taco is fried. Tacos are becoming popular worldwide and if you want to truly immerse yourself in tacos Mexico City is just the perfect place.


3. The History

Mexico's history is basically split into three main times that strongly marked Mexico. Mexico’s history starts early from native Aztec and Mayan world, followed by the Spanish conquest and its independence from them, until modern Mexico and what it is today. Diego Rivera made an amazing mural depicting these three main periods in the stairwell of the National Palace in Mexico City. The mural gives visitors a graphic, detailed but at the same time, it is a summarized glimpse of Mexico's greatest events in time. The left section shows the richness of the ancient Aztec culture by showing the people and their traditional costumes like artisans weaving, making pottery, and calligraphy. The middle sections depicts the violent period in Mexico, when Spanish came to conquest then later the Indians revolting against the Spanish and the French. You can find the execution of Maximilian on the far left upper lobe that symbolized the end of the European rule of Mexico. Benito Juarez is also shown, who was the only Indian president and the one who is considered the founder of the new Mexican nation. The mural ends on the right with what Riviera considered to be the future of Mexico. Here you can see an image of Rivera’s wife Frida Kahlo and her sister Cristina, they are shown as socialist teachers bringing a glorious future. The images on the right side are all about progress, prosperity, and a better future.



4. The Arts

Mexico has a great number of artists that have a great influence in the art world such as Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo, José Clemente Orozco, Siqueiros, and Tamayo, just to name a few. You can find various works of these artist around the city and even in their own studios (Museo Casa Estudio Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo), houses (Casa Azul), museums (Rufino Tamayo Museum), and murals (mostly in government buildings). Not only does Mexico City carry pride on their artists but also on their museums, making it the city with the most museums in the world (more than 160 which almost all are free on Sundays). The city also has over 100 art galleries and 30 concert halls. The city has the fourth highest number of theatres in the world after New York, London, and Toronto. The Museo Soumaya was donated to the city by one of the richest man in the world, Carlos Slim, which has also free entry. So if you are feeling artsy you know where to be.

Diego Rivera

5. The People

For Mexicans, family is one of the most important elements in ones life. That is why Mexicans are always so welcoming and love the feeling of making visitors feel comfortable and at home. Mexico has had a bad rep over the years of being dangerous and scary for foreign travelers luckily the country is filled with heart-warming people open to recommend anything, greet, and invite travelers to experience the wonders of the country. In Mexico, it is normal to smile and greet strangers, to walk into a restaurant and say "buen provecho"(bon appetit) to the people eating around you, and being open to help anyone as if they were family.



6. The Weather

Mexico City's weather all year round is hard to beat, according to World Weather and Climate Information, the best time to visit is between March and May. However the city experiences mild, pleasant weather all year. In winter, it averages between 20 and 24 degrees Celsius (high 68 to 74° Fahrenheit) and in summer the average temperature is around 28 degrees Celsius (83° Fahrenheit). During the summer months it rains on average only once a day. In general the rain rarely lasts longer than a few hours. Visiting Mexico City will have you packing light any time of year. Make sure to pack a light jacket, good walking shoes, and you are set.



7. The Location

Mexico City is geographically located in the Valley of Mexico. This valley, also known as the Valley of the Damned is a large valley in the high plateaus at the centre of Mexico. It has an altitude of 2,240 meters (7,349 feet). The cities central location enables travelers to easy move around the country by economy airlines such as Vivaaerobus, Interjet, and Volaris, travel by bus or by car. There are many small towns circling the Mexico City as well as other cities like Guadalajara, Puebla, Queretaro, and Guanajuato. You can drive down to state of Guerrero and Oaxaca to enjoy their amazing beaches.


8. The Lifestyle

Mexico city is for people curious in experiencing urban living, an amazing food scene, history, art, and an exciting nightlife. If you want to get outdoors for an afternoon, Chapultepec Park is the largest city park in the Western Hemisphere, nearly twice the size of New York’s Central Park. Walking around the major neighborhoods will have you falling for the city each step of the way. My favorite areas in the city are La Condesa, Roma, Centro, Polanco, and Coyoacan. I'll leave you with this, visiting Mexico City is not the hard part, it's leaving it.

Mexico City

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