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  • Writer's pictureMarifer Ruiz

Tips for a Solo Traveler

The first time I ever traveled by myself was a trek I did around Mexico in 2015 for two months. Now looking back to what I learned then to what I am experiencing now it all comes down to the same things. However, the difference now is that there is a language and cultural barrier that makes traveling as a woman, especially in Islamic countries, more challenging. I have broken down a set twenty little helpful tips that can hopefully help you if you are thinking of or already are traveling solo. I am not a master at any of these things, I continue to make these small mistakes and continue to remind myself to be careful. What I have to ALWAYS be repeating to myself more than anything is, don't think you are a badass because nothing has happened to you, that can change in a matter of seconds. Anyways here they are:

1. Don’t take your phone out to look for directions

I do this so much and I know it’s so bad. Just by taking your phone out then looking at the street name, then back to your phone, then turning your phone to one direction, then the other, it becomes a bit obvious what you are doing. Not knowing where you are going and letting the world around you know this is not ideal. Before leaving a place try to see where you are going and attempt memorizing it. If you really need to look at it for directions try to be quick and continue moving as if you are just looking at your phone or responding to a text.

2. Always look as if you know where you are going

If you decide to wander around a city and get lost a bit on the streets that is awesome! But don’t look around too much and rather look determined, as if you are heading to a specific place and know exactly where that is. Try to walk a bit fast paced, as locals don’t really walk slow as they are heading somewhere. Walking slow can easily show you are a tourist.

3. Never say you are alone

People tend to ask me if I am alone and they always caught me off guard. Sometimes people are just being nice and trying to make conversation, other times they actually do want to know if you are alone. Try to make an automatic response when you are asked this by saying you are meeting a friend later, e.g. if you are eating at a restaurant and the waiter asks you this say “No, I’m actually with a friend just that they weren’t hungry so I just came here for a quick bite and I’ll meet them later.” No need to go into details but it’s just safer to say that there is someone waiting for you somewhere in a few minutes time.

4. Put a ring on it

I really don’t like doing this because I am an independent woman (lol) but it can be helpful to have a ring on your finger. I wear my grandmothers class ring which looks nothing like an engagement ring and yet strangers that start talking to me do notice and do say “oh you’re married”. You might think men are oblivious in these things but they are the complete opposite.

5. Try not to walk around at night

I always tell myself not to walk alone after sunset but sometimes time flies, you get distracted, and bam, it’s pitch dark. So when this occurs try to always walk on busy streets where there are always cars passing by and a lot of people walking around. If you ever feel that you are being followed call someone just to have someone that knows where you are or pretend you are on a call and say things like “yeah, I’ll see you in five minutes”, “see you there”, “I’m almost there”, etc.

6. Research on the place of your visit

There are always more of something in each place, sometimes that can be pick pocketing in main plazas, stolen wallets in metros, phones on tables, or even worse. Read a bit before going to a place to know what to watch out for.

7. Don’t dress to impress

It all depends on the country and the culture you are going. In Islamic countries women aren’t accustomed of showing too much skin because of their religion. So, if you are visiting and are wearing a mini skirt and a crop top I guarantee you will turn heads and not the heads you want to be turning. Be mindful and respectful of what you are wearing and I know, I know, you want to look cute in your pictures but in these type of places is better to blend in than to stand out.

8. Don’t stop to take pictures

Walking on a street and suddenly stopping to take a picture makes it quite obvious you are a tourist. Unfortunately, our picture taking gives us all away. Try not to stop for a picture and only take pictures when you are sure it’s okay, e.g. a tourist attraction.

9. Don’t talk to anyone on the street

This happens every five seconds in Egypt. Everyone is trying to talk to you, trying to ‘help you’ find someplace or something. In the end, they might genuinely try to help you but you never know that. Even if you hate to ignore people (it kills me every time) just keep walking and don’t respond. In these situations it’s better to be safe than sorry. My tour guide told me they mostly do this to then ask you for a tip for being helpful or try to sell you something later. They might also offer you a ‘welcome drink’ like a coffee or tea (this happened to me a few times in Turkey), just kindly refuse and keep walking.

10. Don’t make eye contact with strangers

It’s so weird but even when I accidentally make eye contact they immediately react to it, I don’t know how to explain it but just trust me. No eye contact, especially when you feel stares.

11. Don’t be rude but don’t be too nice

With all these things said above about ignoring people and such, don’t necessarily be rude about it since this can also trigger some people for being ignored. Just smile but don’t stare and continue to walk.

12. Take Ubers instead of Taxis

Uber is just safer when it comes to moving around in a city since you have their info if anything happens. With taxis you never know and they can also be charging you extra since you look like a foreigner.

13. Hire guides if you feel overwhelmed

When arriving to a new place and you feel a bit overwhelmed by the culture shock, don’t worry, hire a guide. Hostels always offer walking tours, drivers, guides, etc. They can be very helpful and also answer all of your questions you have regarding the place’s ways and people.

14. Bring Kleenex for bathrooms

This is just a random tip I decided to slide in. Many bathrooms may not have toilette paper and this is a problem for female travelers of course. Have always tissue paper with you as it can come in hand when you gotta go.

15. When getting on a transportation still look at your own GPS to make sure it’s heading the right direction

When getting on any transportation always keep an eye on the GPS, even if you don’t have any signal the GPS can still track you. It’s also good if the driver sees you looking at the map to reassure that you aren’t being unaware of where you are going.

16. Download the language of the country in Google Translate

In some countries communication can be almost impossible and thank God there’s an app for that. Google Translate keeps getting better and better. You can download a whole language and it can translate when being offline. You can also translate voices very easily and surprisingly accurate. Communication is always key so I highly recommend you having this app when traveling.

17. Back to basics

Since communication can be a bit difficult don’t necessarily speak perfect English but rather use very basic words and tiny sentences. Avoid using slang words and speak loud and clear. The word 'Okay' is international and very helpful, use it as much as you can.

18. Your bag is your baby

Always have your bag on your lap when you sit and in front of you in crowded places. If it’s a back-pack always have the two straps on.

19. Look smart, be smart

Don’t be scared but most importantly, don’t look scared. Always try to look relaxed and easy-going. Always be cautious and don’t be too trustworthy with anyone. Look out for yourself and be careful. Bad things are mostly likely to happen when distracted, so always be focused on what you are doing and on your surroundings.

20. Enjoy the ride

Don’t stress too much and enjoy your travels. Making friends that are traveling solo can be very easy when staying at hostels, if you are a female solo traveler it is always good to have a bit of company. Traveling alone feels so empowering and I love it more and more. Yes, it might be scary traveling solo but I find it more scary not traveling at all.

Book them planes kids, everything is gonna be alright ;)

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